These notes were recorded various important points for personal review. It contains brief descriptions.
Linear Algbera
- Miscellaneous: Some knowledge points for quick review.
Machine Learning
Miscellaneous: Basic knowledge points for quick review.
Probabilistic stuffs: Some probabilistic knowledge points.
Metric learning: Some popular metric learning methods.
Attention neural network: Some concepts and principles about attention neural network for quick review.
Incremental learning: Some knowledge and paper review about incremental learning (or solving catastrophic forgetting in deep learning).
Reinforcement learning quick points: Some important knowledge points about RL.
The review of RL book: My notes about the book “Reinforcement Learning: An Introducation” by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, Nov 5, 2017.
Semantic video segmentation: The notes about a little semantic video segmentation.
Test: The notes for final test (XMU). It briefly contains several important ML knowledge points like searching, probabilistic graph model, neural network, markov decision process.
Expectation maximization: A brief and intuitive explanation about EM algorithm.
Optimization: Nonlinear optimization methods.
Camera model: The introducation about camera model, fundamental, essential and homography matrix.
Pose graph: The optimization on pose graph and the G2O usage.
Bundle adjustment: The optimization for bundle adjustment.
Graph simiplification: Simplify the dense pose graph.
Point cloud registration: Introduce the optimization problem in solving least square. It includes a general introduction about Non-linear optimization (Gauss Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt methods).
Lie group and Lie algebra: An intuitive introduction about Lie algebra.
Dynamic programming: An introduction about the dynamic programming algorithm.
AVL Tree: The self-balancing binary search tree.
Graph algorithm: An introduction about graph-related algorithms.
Sorting and searching: An introduction about sorting and searching algorithms.
String and array: An introduction about string and array related algorithms.
Data Structure
Concepts: An introduction about the concepts of data structure.
Structures: Various data structure (e.g. stack, graph).
- Overview: The overview of interview questions and algorithms.
Object detection: Academic paper about object detection.
Human pose estimation: Academic paper about human pose estimation.
Few-shot learning: Academic paper about few-shot learning.
Continual learning: Academic paper about continual learning.