Reinforcement learning book review

I’ll organize my notes in the same way with book “Reinforcement Learning: An Introducation” by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, Nov 5, 2017.

These notes are written for helping me quickly review relevant knowledge and some important insights.


This chapter primarily introduce some basic concepts and history about RL.

Part 1, Tabular Solution Methods

  1. Multi-armed Bandits

    This chapter mainly discuss the different methods for exploiting and explorating. It uses multi-armed bandits as a concrete example to compare the performance of those methods.

    Besides, it introduces a convergence condition about the action-value update.

    (Heads up: since in this multi-armed bandits example the decision is made based on the previous rewards, its action-value function is formulated from past rewards instead of future).

  2. Finite Markov Decision Processes

    This chapter gives the formal definition of RL, such as MDP, action-value function, state-value function, policy.

    Moreover, it gives the Bellman equation to describe state-value and action-value including the optimal formulations as below.

    (In this chapter, it focus on future rewards with a discount ratio.)

  3. Dynamic Programming

    This chapter introduces how to find optimal policy by dynamic programming. This method only works when the environment is well-defined (i.e. model-based).

Reinforcement learning book review - Canyu Le