Few-shot learning

In my recent work for few-shot learning, I have read a lot of paper in this or related fields. I wrote some short summaries for them.

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Active Sampling

Original paper ‘‘Active Sampling for Open-Set Classification without Initial Annotation’’. Original paper see here.

Key features:

这篇文章是关于主动学习而非小样本学习。我非常简略的浏览了一下,它想要解决的问题主要是open-set图像分类的问题,并且在没有pretrained model的情况下,希望能主动的选择代表性的数据进行标注,然后进行学习。



1.在没有pretrained model的情况下,如何选取有代表性的数据? 文章作者借鉴了transductive experimental design (TED)的方法,将数据选择问题formulate成了一个解线性优化的问题。 该方法有比较好的通用性, 但值得注意的是,由于没有pretrained model,他们直接拿原始图片作为特征向量进行优化,这会使得构造的矩阵维度很大,对于高分辨率的RGB图片不一定适用。

2.这篇文章用了一种叫low rank representation的方法来提取feature,而非深度学习中的CNN。 这种方法的基本假设其实与深度学习类似,就是

Data from the same class should be distributed in the same low-dimensional subspace. While the dimension of the subspace corresponds to the rank of the representation matrix, LRR tries to find the lowest-rank representation that can represent the data examples with linear combinations of given dictionary.

关于这个low rank representation方法,有时间的话看看相关的 paper1paper2

Few-shot Learning - Canyu Le